David Hatcher's "Ludwig and Hugh", 2004, relocates a figure from the history of western philosophy from its original environment into a world of surface appearances. There, the Playboy logo hooks up with an example of optical ambiguity that Ludwig Wittgenstein employed to illustrate the contingency of perception in his book "Philosophical Investigations": a picture that can be read as either a duck or a rabbit. Hatcher pits the two motifs against each other in droll observation of their formal resemblance. Despite thus seeming closely related, the figures oppose each other as representatives of different worlds: "Old Europe" checks out the New World; the home of entertainment, branding and big business. The work also contains a biographical component. It was created shortly after Hatcher moved from Berlin to Los Angeles, a city of angels and bunnies whose vacuous allure is reflected in the fluorescent pink of his wall painting.