artist-run spaces in Berlin

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Kiosk Shop

This artist-run space opened 2 years ago by H. N. Semjon as a setting onto which he builds his work. His work being Kiosk Shop, a startlingly bright white shop space, in which display cabinets seem to order the air and one’s perspective on wandering around. The artist creates his work from commercial packaging of household products, which he wraps in transparent layers of plastic and wax and then displays them inside the glass cabinets. It’s all very clinical, clean, and ‘no touching’, the emphasis seeming to be placed around the ordering of the space. It is an on-going work in which other artists are invited to make an exhibiton around the exisitng work, however this fluidity is directed differently to many other spaces I have come across. Currentlyon show is the 16th intervention in the space, but this engagement seemed to be quite formal; what fits, rather than what might happen, perhaps.

The space is funded from a mixture of sources: some past funding, a subscription scheme, the sale of a few works, and privately. Therei s another project, Grocery Store, which the artist is hoping to establish in New York.

Schröderstrasse 1
030 7841291
Open Thurs - Fri 5 -7pm Sat 2 - 7pm