Valerie Tevere
P.O. Box 1734
New York, NY 10013



2000 The Whitney Museum of American Art - Independent Study Program, Studio Art.
1997 California Institute of the Arts - Master of Fine Arts, Photography.
1993 University of California, San Diego - Bachelor of Arts, Political Science.
1992 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile



Palm Trees/Vertical City, Espacio de la Rebeca, Bogota, Colombia.

When I Say... , Hoxton Distillery, London England.

Concrete Projections: a night in the projects , with La Union de Vecinos, & Ultra-red,
Pico-Aliso public housing projects, East Los Angeles, CA.

¿Guesswork?, with Ultra-red, Spanish Kitchen Studios, Los Angeles, CA.
COUCHED, a video installation, CalArts Gallery D300, Valencia, CA.

UNITED STATES, public poster project, Los Angeles, CA.
UNITED STATES, public poster project, San Diego, CA.
Consistent History, 1968-1978, CalArts Gallery D300, Valencia, CA.


The Interventionists, Mass MoCA, North Adams, Massachusetts.

Traces of Friday, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
24/7 Wilno – Nueva York, Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Sandwiched, Wrong Gallery (& on the street in NYC), New York City.
Walking in the City, Kunsthalle Fredericianum, Kassel, Germany.
Walking in the City, Apex Art C.P., NYC, NY.

New Views, Open Studios, DUMBO residency, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, NYC, NY.
Alternate Routes, California Museum of Photography, Riverside, CA.
Genius Loci, Sci-Arc/L.A. Municipal Gallery, Los Angeles, CA.

New York Fantasy Island, Plymouth State College, New Hamshire.
Squat, Smart Project Space, Amsterdam, NL.

Downtown, Side Street Projects, Los Angeles, CA.
The Painted Word, The State of Art in collaboration with Martinez Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
Open Studios, The Whitney Independent Study Program, New York, NY.

Projections: Intermission Images III, Side Street Projects at the Laemmle Grand FourPlex, Los Angeles.

LACPS Annual Exhibition, LA Center for Photographic Studies, Los Angeles, CA.
Attaché, Gemini Gel, Los Angeles, CA.
Blind Date, CalArts Gallery, D301, Valencia, CA/Ellen Birrell’s Studio, Eagle Rock, CA.
Home Improvements, Exhibition in a Newhall Home, Newhall, CA.
The Shooting Gallery, Clean Needles Now, LACE, Los Angeles, CA.

As Montage As We Wanna Be, CalArts Gallery D301, Valencia, CA.
International Artists Writing Reading Room, Side Street Projects, Santa Monica, CA.

20 Years ¿Y Qué?, Centro Cultural de la Raza, San Diego, CA.

[Collaborative work]

Brewster 2003, Workshop in Frequency Re-territorialization, Brewster, NY.
Raw, landscape + oscillations, neuroTransmitter project, Smack Mellon Studios, Brooklyn, NY.

The(S)files exhibition, com_muni_port, neuroTransmitter project, El Museo del Barrio, NYC.
public_radio, neuroTransmitter project, Dispensing with Formalities, Columbus, Ohio.

Signal Transfer, performance in frequency, neuroTransmitter project; Back and Forth exhibition,
Vacancy Gallery, Bronx,NY.
London Sampler, Sonar Festival 2001, Centre de Cultura Contemporânia, Barcelona, Spain
with No Alternative Girls.

projected projects, Sandbox 7, with La Union de Vecinos, ABC No Rio, New York, NY.
Sonopticon - 99, with La Union de Vecinos & Ultra-red, Foundation for Art Resources
at Action Space, Los Angeles, CA.

The Realty Tour, a video bus tour, PWA/Union de Vecinos collaboration, L.A. Freewaves
MOCA, Los Angeles, September 26, 1998.
Your Place, Our Home: A Realty Tour, PWA/UV collaboration, “L.A. Stories” exhibition, Montgomery Gallery, Pomona College, Pomona, CA.
Structural Adjustment, site-specific installation, PWA collaboration, Lincoln Heights Jail, Los Angeles.
In the Name of the Place, GALA Committee Project, Grand Arts, Kansas City, Mo.

PS Occupied, with Ultra-red, Hollywood Premiere Motel, Los Angeles.
In the Name of the Place, GALA Committee Project, Gwanju Biennale, Korea.
In the Name of the Place, GALA Committee Project, Uncommon Sense exhibition, The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA, Los Angeles, CA.

Ave Media, with Lillian Lai, A Night of Unspeakable Acts, 740, San Diego, CA.


2000 – 2004 Assistant Professor of Communications, The College of Staten Island, City University of New York, NY.
2003 Visiting Professor, American Academy of Rome, Rome, Italy.


2003 Collaborative-in-Residence (neuroTransmitter), Eyebeam, New York, NY.
2002-03 Mellon Fellowship/Seminar Program, ‘Writing Lives’, CUNY Graduate Center, NY.
2002 Studio Residency, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council – New Views, DUMBO, NY.
2001 Artist-in-Residence, Smart Project Space, Amsterdam, NL.
2000 The Whitney Museum of Art, Independent Study Program.
1997 Richard C. Seaver Photography Scholarship.
1996 California Institute of the Arts Merit Scholarship.


Invited Participant, The Power of Representation/The Representation of Power,
Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland.
Video Screening/Artist Talk, The Dialogue, Thomas Erben Gallery, NY, NY.
Visiting Artist, Dept. of Media Study, SUNY, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
Invited Speaker/Artist Talk, Images Cinema, North Adams, Mass.

Co-Organizer/Moderator, Wild in the Streets II, Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland.
Invited Panelist, Version>02, digital arts and technology convergence, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Il.
Invited Panelist, Strategies in Web-Based Art and Video: Resistance and the Everyday, 2002 Socialist Scholars
Conference, Cooper Union School of Art, New York, NY.
Invited Panelist, Genius Loci Symposium, Sci-Arc, Los Angeles CA.
Invited Lecturer, In the Place of the Public Sphere, The Art Academy, Odense, Denmark.

Invited Lecturer, Under Construction, Nordic Conference on Cultural Diversity; Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art,
Helsinki, Finland.
Roundtable Discussant,Take-Away, Florian Wuest - Host; ROOM, Rotterdam, NL.
Invited Lecturer, L’urbanisme et l’art interdisciplinaire dans l’espace public, Centre d’Art En Mouvement, Paris, France.
Invited Panelist, Interventions in Public Spaces, Lightworks Panel, Shorditch Town Hall, London, England.
Nomads & Residents on Tour, Overgaden, Copenhagen, Denmark.

– present - Artist Member, Nomads + Residents - organizers of artists lectures and panels in various locales in NYC.
Invited Lecturer, Panel – w/Norman Klein, Harry Gamboa Jr., V. Tevere, P.VonBlum, Side Street Projects, Los Angeles, CA.
Urban Space as Social Fabric, Nomads + Residents, Cooper Union School of Art, New York, NY.
Symposium Lecturer, Site of Collective Memory, Whitney Independent Study Program, New York, NY.

Board Member, Society of Photographic Education (SPE), Western Regional Division.

Visiting Artist, Department of Studio Art, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA.
SPE Western Regional Conference, Tracking the Avant-Garde: From Spectacle to Commodity,
The GALA Committee - Panel, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA.


Now Entering Brooklyn, Public Art Fund catalogue, New York, NY.

The New York Times, A Curator Who Wears The Art, Sunday, September 21, 2003.
Flavorpill, Sandwiched, Sept/Oct, 2003.
Walking in the City, exhibition catalogue, Kunsthalle Fredricianum, Kassel, Germany.
Time Out New York, Art Review, Raw, March 27-April3, 2003.
Walking in the City, exhibition catalogue, Apex Art, CP, New York, NY.
The New York Times, Art in Review: The S Files, January 17, 2003.

S-Files, exhibition catalogue, El Museo del Barrio, New York, NY.
Contemporary, The (S) Files, December, 2002.
Flavorpill, The (S) Files: El Museo’s Bienial, December 3, 2002.
Flash Art, S-Files, Nov-Dec 2002.
Vida Hoy, Bienal de Arte Joven en el Museo Del Barrio, November 1, 2002.
artnet, Latin American Biennial in New York, October 10, 2002.
Select IV, Public Radio, August, 2002.
Alternate Routes exhibition catalogue, California Museum of Photography, Riverside, CA.
Art Papers, Genius Loci, Spring, 2002.
Genius Loci, exhibition catalogue, Sci-Arc, Los Angeles, CA.

Le Monde, Trois jours et trois nuits de fete au Sonar, June 18, 2001.
Sonar Festival catalogue, Barcelona, Spain, June, 2001.
Smart Papers, Squat exhbition catalogue, Amsterdam, NL, April, 2001.
The Pandaemonium Festival catalogue, London, England, March, 2001.

end notes, untitled, Montreal, Québec, Canada, Summer 2000.
Village Voice, Voice Choices, June 20-26, 2000.
Time Out, Art, Interview, “We have liftoff,” Rachel Greene, May 18-25, 2000.

L.A. Weekly, Political Pick of the Week, “Concrete Projections,” Mary Beth Crain, July 23-29, 1999.
L.A. Weekly, “Show and Tell,” Mary Anne Modina, July 23-29, 1999.
L.A. Weekly, “Building Resentment,” John Seeley, July 23-29, 1999.
Ojeblikket, “The Realty Tour: Your Place, Our Home,” summer 1999, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Trepan, CalArts Critical Studies Program “Public Positions,” Valerie Tevere, project, spring, 1999.
Their Place, Our Home, excerpts - “Home,” CD-Rom project by Nancy Buchanan.

Prime Time Contemporary Art: Art by the GALA Committee as Seen on Melrose Place, Sotheby’s
Auction catalogue, Beverly Hills, November, 1998.
L.A. Times, “Claremont Colleges Offer Rooms With Views of L.A.,” William Wilson, September 29,1998.
New Times, “Asphalt Surfin’,” Elana Roston, September 3-9, 1998.
Framework, LACPS, “UNITED STATES,” Valerie Tevere, project, Vol. 9 issue 1
“L.A. Stories,” exhibition catalogue, Montgomery Gallery, Pomona, CA, September/October, 1998.
Built LA , “Structural Adjustment, No More Demolition Without Construction,” Los Angeles Culture Net,
The Getty Center, on-line magazine, May, 1998.
Making Sense (SAJE), “No More Demolition Without Construction”, March, 1998.
L.A. Weekly, Pick of the Week, “Without Alarm II” Exhibition, February, 1998.

Gwanju Biennale catalogue, “In the Name of the Place,” Korea.
Uncommon Sense , “In the Name of the Place”, exhibition catalogue, Museum of Contemporary Art,
Los Angeles, CA, March, 1997.

The Lehrer Hour, PBS television, August, 1996.