Peter Nansen Scherfig
have a look at more works of Scherfig on the webpage of his gallery in Copenhagen
from the exhibition "The harder they come...demapping masculinity" at Sparwasser in January 2002:
"Skin power"
2001, digital print
"Skin kis"
2001, digital print
wall painting, 2001, from the exhibition "Masculinities" Nikolaj - Copenhagen November-December 2001
Peter Nansen Scherfig | |
Kluckstrasse 25/ Stfl. re. 3. OG | Store Kongensgade 88. 2 sal. |
10785 Berlin | 1264 København K. |
Deutschland | Denmark |
+ 49 30/25797578 | +45 33 91 94 96 | |
1964 in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia. Danish citizen.
1994-1996 New York University.
MA in Studio Art. NYU: USA
1989-1994 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Cph.DK.
1983-1987 The Danish Design School. Drawing and Graphic design.
1980-1983 Helsinge Amtsgymnasium. DK
2001 Raum. Specta Gallery. Cph.DK
Space. Pacific Northwest Collage of Art. Portland. Oregon. USA.
2000 Wintershow. Gallery Specta. Cph. DK
Space. North Gallery.(solo). Cph.DK.
Brief Encounter. Gallery Opera Paese. Rome. Italy.
Polymorfoser. Ringstedgalleriet.(solo). Ringsted. DK.
Zebra. Den fries udstillingsbygning. Cph. DK
Agerholm Sculpturepark. Sydsjælland. DK..
1999 Up to 2000. Gallery Møller Witt. AArhus. DK.
Gold and Green Forests. The Exhibition Space of the Royal Danish
Academy .Cph. DK.
L.S.D. (Landgren, Scherfig, Dröscher) Specta Gallery. Cph.
Zebra. Den fries Udstilingsbygning. Cph. DK.
Agerholm Sculpturepark . Sydsjælland. DK
DK. Handwerksform. Hannover. Kassel. Germany
That.. Den Fries Udstillingsbygning. Cph. DK
DK. Handwerksform. Hannover. Germany
1998 At Close Range. Change Gallery. Rome. Italy
Juleudstilling. Specta Gallery. Cph. Dk
DK. Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe. Hamburg. Germany
Zebra. Den Fries Udstillingsbygning. Cph. DK
Polymorphoses.: Esbjerg Artmuseum. (solo) DK
Polymorphoses. Overgaden.Cph. (solo) DK
When Plastic becomes Art. Technical Museum. Helsingør.
1997 ShadowShadows. Sörlandets Kunstcenter. Kristiansand.Norway.
Exit. 97. Kunstforeningen. Gammel strand. Cph. DK
Forskning for Lægmænd. Birkerød Gl. Præstegård.
1996 Rush II. Retinal Circus. Kbh. DK
Provinslegende III. Museum of Contemporary Art.Roskilde. DK
RushI. Galleri Max Mundus. Cph. (solo) DK
80 Washington Square East Galleries. New York. USA.
The Jack Goodman Award of Arts and Technology Show. Rosenberg
Gallery. New York. USA.1995 Manhattan Pasport.. Creative Time.
Inc. New York. USA.
Scenography to the dance performance O.M.O. The House of Dance.
Cph. DK
1994 Transhistorie. Kunstforeningen. Gammel strand. Cph. DK.
Points of View. Traneudstillingen. Gentofte. (solo) DK
1993 The fall Exhibition of Charlottenborgs . Cph. DK
Monster. Kunstnernes Hus. Århus. (solo) Dk
Body Works. Århus. Dk
Krypto. The Chapel of Holmens Church. Cph. Dk.
1992 Proms. Brandts Klædefabrik. Odense. DK
Un Porteur Dómbre. The Art museum of Vestsjælland.
Sorø. DK
Capio. Overgaden Neden Vandet. Cph.DK
1991 Un Porteur Dómbre. Husets Galleri. Cph.(solo) DK
"A Man with No Name is No Man". Institute of Art history.
University of Copenhagen. Cph. DK
1989 The Spring Exhibition of Charlottenborg. Cph. DK
Relief. Galleri Basilisk. Cph. (solo) DK
The Spring Exhibition. Den Fri. Cph. DK
1995-2000: Studio House
Esbjerg Artmuseum. The
National Endowment of the Arts in Denmark. Kastrupgårdssamlingen.
Award for the show Room
in North from the National Endowment of Arts in Denmark, 2000.
Woorking grant from the National Endowment of Arts in Denmark,
2000. The Academys exhibition award for younger artist,2000.The
bianual working grant from the National Endowment of Arts in Denmark,
1998-1999. Award for the show Polymorphoses from the National
Endowment of Arts in Denmark, 1998.
Queen Ingrids Roman Grant and a three month stay at the Danish
Academy in Rome,1998.
Fondation Idella,1997.The Jack Goodman Award of Arts and Technology,1996
Statens teaterråd,1997 Knud Højgårds Fond,1995.
Glashandler Runges Fond,1995. Augustinusfonden,1995. Christa og
Viggo Petersens Fond,1994. Professor Eichofs og Hustrus mindelegat,1994.
FULBRIGHT / IIE Stipendium,1994
Commission art work
for SILHORHO A/S 1994. Jury on the Spring exhibition of Charlottenborg
in Sculpture,1998-1999. Teacher in sculpture at Kunsthøjskolen,
Holbæk 1997-2001. Teacher at the DesignSchool in Kolding,1999-2001
Design of rose garden at Kunsthøjskolen, Holbæk.
Kunstnersamfundet. BKF.
in Danish:
Peter Nansen Scherfig | |
Kluckstrasse 25/ Stfl. re. 3. OG | Store Kongensgade 88. 2 sal. |
10785 Berlin | 1264 København K. |
Deutschland | Denmark |
+ 49 30/25797578 | +45 33 91 94 96 | |
1964 in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia.
1994-1996 New York University.
MA in Studio Art.
1989-1994 Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi. Ved Billedhugger
Mogens Møller.
1983-1987 Danmarks Designskole. Tegning og Grafik
1980-1983 Mat/bio Studentereksamen. Helsinge Amtsgymnasium.
2002 BOMB. Gallery Brooklyn
Front.New York. USA.
THE HARDER THEY COME.... Demapping Maskulinity.
Galleri Sparwasser. Berlin.
2001 MASKULINITETER. Nicolaj Kirke. Kbh.
RAUM. Galleri Specta. Kbh. (solo)
SPACE. Pacific Northwest Collage of Art. Portland. Oregon. USA.
2000 RUM. Galleri North.Kbh.
BRIEF ENCOUNTER. Gallei Opera Paese. Rom. Italien.
Polymorfoser. Ringstedgalleriet. Ringsted. (solo)
ZEBRA. Den Fries Udstillingsbygning. Kbh.
Agerholm Skulpturpark. Sydsjælland
1999 Op til 2000. Galerie Møller Witt. Århus
Juleudstilling. Galleri Specta. Kbh.
GULD OG GRØNNE SKOVE. Akademiets Udstillingssted. Kbh.
L.S.D. (Landgren, Scherfig, Dröscher) Galleri specta. Kbh.
ZEBRA. Den fries Udstilingsbygning. Kbh.
Agerholm Skulpturpark. Sydsjælland
DK. Handwerksform. Hannover. Kassel. Tyskland
THAT. Den Fries Udstillingsbygning. Kbh.
DK. Handwerksform. Hannover. Tyskland
1998 AT CLOSE RANGE. Change Gallery. Rom . Italien.
Juleudstilling. Galleri Specta. Kbh.
DK. Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe. Hamburg. Tyskland
Zebra. Den Fries Udstillingsbygning. Kbh.
POLYMORFOSER: Esbjerg Kunstmuseum. (solo)
POLYMORFOSER. Overgaden. København (solo)
Når plast bliver til Kunst. Teknisk Museum. Helsingør
1997 EFTERBILLEDER. Sorlandets Kunstcenter. Kristiansand Norge.
EXIT 97. Kunstforeninge. Gammelstrand. Kbh
FORSKNING FOR LÆGMÆND. Birkerød Gl. Præstegård.
1996 RUSH II. Retinal Circus. Kbh.
PROVINS LEGENDE III. Samtidsmuseet Roskilde.
RUSH I. Galleri Max Mundus. Kbh. (solo)
80 Washington Square East Galleries. New York. USA.
The Jack Goodman Award of Arts and Technology Show. Rosenberg
Gallery. New York. USA.
1995 MANHATTAN PASSPORT. Creative Time. Inc. New York USA.
Scenografi til Danseforestillingen O.M.O. Dansens Hus. Kbh.
1994 TRANSHISTORIE. Kunstforeningen. Gammelstrand. Kbh.
VIEW POINTS. Traneudstillingen. Gentofte. (solo)
1993 Charlottenborgs Efterårsudstilling. Kbh.
Monster. Kunstnernes Hus. Århus. (solo)
KRYPTO. Holmens Kirkes Kapel Kbh.
1992 PROMS. Brandts Klædefabrik. Odense.
Un Porteur Dómbre. Vestsjællands Kunstmuseum. Sorø.
CAPIO. Overgaden Neden Vandet. Kbh.
1991 Un Porteur Dómbre. Husets Galleri. Kbh. (solo)
"A Man with No Name is No Man. Kunsthistorisk Institut. KUA.
1989 RELIEF. Galleri Basilisk. Kbh. (solo)
Forårsudstillingen. Den Fri. Kbh.
Maskuliniteter. Nicolaj Kirke,
i samarbejde med Elisabeth Delin hansen, Rune Gade og Benny Dröscher.
The Harder They Come... Sparwasser. Berlin.
Esbjerg Kunstmuseum. Statens Kunstfond. Kastrupgårdssamlingen.
Premiering af udstillingen Raum 2001. Premiering af udstillingen Room fra statens Kunstfond. arbejdslegst fra Statens Kunstfond 2000.Arbejdslegat Akademirådets legat til yngre Kunstneres Udstillingsvirksomhed. Statens Kunstfonds toårige stipendiat. Statens Kunstfond:Premiering af Udstillingen Polymorfoser. Dronning Ingrids Romerske Legat. Fondation Idella.The Jack Goodman Award of Arts and Technology. Statens teaterråd. Knud højgårds Fond. Glashandler Runges Fond. Augustinusfonden. Christa og Viggo Petersens Fond. Professor Eichofs og Hustrus mindelegat FULBRIGHT / IIE Stipendium.
Udsmykning af SILHORHO A/S 1994. Censor på forårsudstillingen, skulptur,1998-1999. Undervisning i skulptur på Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk 1997-1999. Gæstelærer på Kolding Designskole 1999. Design af rosenhave på Kunsthøjskolen , Holbæk. 1999.
Kunstnersamfundet. BKF.
Fast tilknyttet Galleri Specta. Peder Skrams Gade 13 1054. Kbh.